The BBC and other reputable media resources should launch their own investigations into the handling of the US elections

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Stanley Kerr:

Something stinks about the US elections. There are multiple affidavits coming forward regarding different types of fraud, there are figures that don’t add up and there is doubt on the creditability of counting machines, yet there is a reluctance by US government to investigate wrong doing.

There is an eerie silence from mainstream media to question, report or investigate these allegations of fraud, instead they broadcast their own judgement, saying that nothing is wrong and censor any objection to this.

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How can we, people from other nations, trust the integrity of the US and look up to them as the leader of the free world, when so many questions remain unanswered and their press and government are reluctant to clear the doubts.

When there are so many US citizens are coming forward with affidavits, some of whom are of good standing, such as retired decorated army officers, I would like the BBC and other reputable media resources to launch their own investigations into the handling of the elections, rather than repeating the boring old story that there is no evidence to the allegations.

What I can see from the latest hearings, which no mainstream media has reported, there is quite a lot of evidence pointing towards serious fraud of high numbers, so I repeat my request for the BBC, who’s wages we contribute too, to stand up for the integrity of the free world and investigate these allegations of election fraud. Only then can we take the foreign policy of any future President seriously.

Stanley Kerr, Dungannon

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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